Remote Backend Bouncing Circles Guide


Disclaimer: Aspects of this guide need to be updated for the latest Asylo release and may currently experience issues.

This guide demonstrates more elaborate usage of Asylo with a Remote Backend. It assumes the reader has knowledge introduced in the Remote Quickstart Guide.

The bouncing circles web application uses four separate enclaves to track four circles. A simple web server accesses each enclave via the remote enclave backend. Each enclave, once initialized, holds color, location, radius and speed of the circle it owns, rendering them isolated from the outer world. The web application makes an EnterAndRun call to each of the 4 enclaves, gets back color, location and radius and draws the circle.

This example provides two frameworks that are accessed identically by the remote backend: local and remote. Both of them provision RemoteEnclaveProxyServer, but do it differently:

  • local version runs the enclaves on the same machine as the application

  • remote version runs the enclaves on an SGX-enabled machine while the Web Application can be run on a non-SGX machine.

Local version - still remote backend, but both running on the same machine


To build the application and the enclaves:

export CONFIG_TYPE=sgx # Or sgx-sim if not running on SGX-enabled hardware.
bazel build :web_application --config=${CONFIG_TYPE} --define=ASYLO_REMOTE=1

Note: The CONFIG_TYPE=sgx flag selects our enclave cross compiler toolchain, which builds code to run inside enclaves. To run on non-SGX hardware, specify simulated SGX flag CONFIG_TYPE=sgx-sim.


To run the program, invoke the application binary (from bazel-bin):

$(bazel info bazel-bin)/remote/bouncing_circles/web_application \
   --remote_proxy="$(bazel info bazel-bin)/remote/bouncing_circles/web_application"

and then open a browser window at http://<host machine>:8888/ and follow the link named “circles”.

Remote backend running enclaves on another machine than the application

The previous demo launched the application with local provisioning.

To make it truly remote, we will now now utilize remote provisioning with our example remote provision server and run the same application with enclaves deployed on another docker image.

First, if you haven’t already done so, download the Asylo SDK and Examples repos:

export ASYLO_SDK=~/asylo-sdk
git clone "${ASYLO_SDK}"
export MY_PROJECT=~/asylo-examples
mkdir -p "${MY_PROJECT}"
wget -q -O - | \
    tar -zxv --strip 1 --directory "${MY_PROJECT}"

Next, run the provision server:

docker run -it --net=host \
    -v ${ASYLO_SDK}:/opt/asylo/sdk \
    -v ${MY_PROJECT}:/opt/asylo/examples \
    -w /opt/asylo/examples/remote/provision_server \ \

Once the provisioning server reports that it is listening to port 4321 (configurable), run the container with the following command:

export CONFIG_TYPE=sgx # Or sgx-sim if Remote Provision server isn't running on SGX-enabled hardware.
docker run -it --net=host \
    -v ${ASYLO_SDK}:/opt/asylo/sdk \
    -v ${MY_PROJECT}:/opt/asylo/examples \
    -w /opt/asylo/examples/remote/bouncing_circles \ \
    ./ ${CONFIG_TYPE}

After the application started, open a browser window at http://<host machine>:8888/ and follow the link named “circles”.