Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
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 CErrorSpaceAll implementations of error spaces are derived from this abstract class
 CErrorSpaceImplementationHelperAn intermediate template class that to help define an ErrorSpace subclass
 CGoogleErrorSpaceThe implementation of the ErrorSpace interface for the GoogleError canonical error space
 CExecTesterExecutes a subprocess
 CClientA reference to an enclave held by untrusted code
 CExitCallProviderAn interface to a provider of enclave exit calls
 CScopedCurrentClientAn RAII wrapper that sets thread-local enclave "current client" reference on construction and resets it to the previous value when destroyed
 CEntryHandlerCallback structure for dispatching messages passed to the enclave
 CExitHandlerCallback structure for dispatching messages from the enclave
 CExtentA extent object suitable for sharing address ranges between trusted and untrusted code
 CPrimitiveStatusShared representation of a status code across the enclave boundary
 CTrustedPrimitivesTrusted runtime primitive interface
 CUntrustedDeleterDeleter for untrusted memory for use with std::unique_ptr
 CAeadCryptorAn AEAD cryptor that provides Seal() and Open() functionality
 CCheckOpMessageBuilderA helper class for formatting "expr (V1 vs. V2)" in a CHECK_XX statement
 CEnclaveAssertionAuthorityAn EnclaveAssertionAuthority is an authority for assertions of a particular identity type
 CEnclaveAssertionGeneratorDefines an interface for assertion authorities that create assertion offers and generate assertions
 CEnclaveAssertionVerifierDefines an interface for assertion authorities that generate assertion requests and verify assertions
 CEnclaveAuthContextEncapsulates the authentication properties of an EKEP-based gRPC connection
 CEnclaveClientAn abstract enclave client
 CEnclaveCredentialsOptionsOptions used to configure a ::grpc::ChannelCredentials object or a ::grpc::ServerCredentials object for use in an enclave system
 CEnclaveLoaderAn abstract enclave loader
 CEnclaveManagerA manager object responsible for creating and managing enclave instances
 CEnclaveManagerOptionsEnclave Manager configuration
 CIdentityExpectationMatcherDefines an abstract interface that describes how to match an EnclaveIdentity against an EnclaveIdentityExpectation
 CLogMessageClass representing a log message created by a log macro
 CLogMessageFatalA LogSeverity FATAL (or QFATAL) version of LogMessage that the compiler can interpret as noreturn
 CLogMessageVoidifyThis class is used just to take an ostream type and make it a void type to satisify the ternary operator in LOG_IF
 CNamedIdentityExpectationMatcherA NamedIdentityExpectationMatcher is capable of matching an identity to an expectation if the identity and the expectation's reference identity have the same identity descriptions, and they match the identity description returned by the Description() method of the matcher
 CNamer< NamedIdentityExpectationMatcher >
 CNonceGeneratorDefines a nonce-generator interface
 CNullAssertionGeneratorAn implementation of the EnclaveAssertionGenerator interface for null assertions
 CNullAssertionVerifierAn implementation of the EnclaveAssertionVerifier interface for null assertions
 CSgxAgeRemoteAssertionGeneratorA thread-safe implementation of the EnclaveAssertionGenerator interface for SGX remote assertions generated by the Assertion Generator Enclave (AGE)
 CSgxAgeRemoteAssertionVerifierAn implemention of the EnclaveAssertionVerifier interface for SGX remote assertions generated by the Assertion Generator Enclave
 CSgxIdentityExpectationMatcherSgxIdentityExpectationMatcher is capable of matching SGX identities with SGX identity expectations
 CSgxIntelEcdsaQeRemoteAssertionGeneratorImplementation of EnclaveAssertionGenerator that generates assertions using the Intel ECDSA quoting enclave
 CSgxIntelEcdsaQeRemoteAssertionVerifierImplementation of EnclaveAssertionVerifier that verifiers assertions generated by the Intel ECDSA quoting enclave
 CSgxLocalAssertionGeneratorAn implementation of the EnclaveAssertionGenerator interface for SGX local assertions
 CSgxLocalAssertionVerifierAn implemention of the EnclaveAssertionVerifier interface for SGX local assertions
 CSgxLocalSecretSealerAn implementation of the SecretSealer abstract interface that binds the secrets to the enclave identity on a local machine
 CSharedNameA name shared between trusted and untrusted code
 CSharedResourceManagerA manager object for shared resources
 CStatusStatus contains information about an error
 CStatusOrA class for representing either a usable value, or an error
 CTrustedApplicationAbstract base class for trusted applications
 CAutoCloseablePointerA closeable Java wrapper to hold a native object pointer
 CEnclaveClientEnclaveClient class which provides methods for invoking enclave's entry points
 CEnclaveExceptionException to represent any error during initialization and execution of enclave
 CEnclaveManagerA manager class responsible for creating and managing enclave instances